THURGOOD MARSHMALLOW ACADEMY – DAY Students excitedly mill about the blacktop of an elementary school. There’s a PBNJ Hobacon City District school bus sitting in the front of the school. It's field trip day.
PEANUTKID, or PK stands in boredly in line to board the bus. He’s doesn’t seem very happy to be there
…until he hears the voice of his best friend -JELLYBOY. Jellyboy, or JB runs into line behind PK.
He stops to catch his breath, and they fist bump.
PK and JB the bus and sit next to each other.
As the bus pulls off the school parking lot, PK stares out the window and we see the city go by.
We see a view of the skyline of New Pork City in the distance,
and then, a strange silhouette is seen in the sky.
PK blinks
and then, a strange silhouette is seen in the sky.
the strange figure is the sky is gone.
The bus travels under the Lipton tunnel
And the class arrives in New Pork City!
The perspective shifts and we see a bird’s eye view of the bus from the perspective of the top of a building. A SHADOWED FIGURE in a cape steps into frame, pauses Then jumps.
The bus finally stops at its destination, THE STATUE OF NEW PORK CITY , and all of the students disembark.
Peanutkid spots a suspicious figure and decides to follow after him.
Peanutkid and Jellyboy chase the figure down the street-
Into the subway...
and through the subway tunnels...
9. SUBWAY -EVENING Peanutkid and Jellyboy wander around the subway more, but their target is seemingly lost. We see them travel through multiple stations, looking at maps. Etc. Nothing works. We start to get a sense of defeat from the two characters.
Jellyboy points at a clock and they realize just how late it has gotten.
PeanutStanding up, he goes to approach the figure-kid sees a large figure wearing a trenchcoat and glasses sitting across the aisle.
- when the train-car door suddenly opens. And BAM! UTENSILS.
Peanutkid and Jellybelly freeze. The Shadowy figure stops, and reveals himself as SUPER POTATO, Hobacon’s well-renowned local superhero. He puts himself between the utensils and the children and the showdown begins.
SPUDSTICE! -Super Potato punches a Fork in the tong and bends it.
As they recover, a knife charges the trio and Super Potato kicks him across the car, but not before being nicked.
THE UTENSTILS close in on Super Potato. They have him pinned, and all hope seems lost until--
-Peanutkid and Jellyboy strike back, catching the FORKS off-guard-
giving Super Potato the time to regain his bearings and get to his feet.
Super Potato nods at the students, and the trio, now united, fight the utensils together, Super Potato taking the upperhand, and PK and JB attacking from below.
We see an outside view of the train crossing between the river between NPC and Hobacon.
10. HOBACON GRAND STATION - EVENING The train car pull into the station.
As the doors open, frightened Hobacon residents run out of the cars,
except for the middle, which a cloud of debris spews out of.
As the local law enforcement approaches and the smoke clears, we see Super Potato, PeanutKid and Jellyboy victorious holding the Utensils at bay.